Wednesday PM Open Doubles

Open doubles teams at WCC are made up of any two people. 8 ends are played. The game lasts about one and a half hour. For a quick guide, see here. For the official rules, see the Curling Canada website (PDF available here).

First draw is at 6:00 pm, second draw is at 7:30 pm

League rep: 


Wed 30-Oct Lundgren 1 McDougall
Briard 2 Matson
Lanz 3 Hay
Schmidt 4 Hughes
7:30 PM Picco 1 Hudon
Tannahill 2 Trainer
Conelley 3 Fletcher
Jackson 4 Thompson
Wed 6-Nov Lundgren 1 Conelley
Fletcher 2 Tannahill
Trainer 3 Picco
Hudon 4 Schmidt
7:30 PM Hughes 1 Lanz
Hay 2 Sabourin
Matson 3 Jackson
McDougall 4 Thompson
Wed 13-Nov Thompson 1 Matson
Jackson 2 Hay
Conelley 3 McDougall
Lanz 4 Hudon
7:30 PM Schmidt 1 Trainer
Picco 2 Fletcher
Tannahill 3 Lundgren
Sabourin 4 Hughes
Wed 20-Nov Conelley 1 Tannahill
Lundgren 2 Picco
Fletcher 3 Schmidt
McDougall 4 Matson
7:30 PM Hudon 1 Briard
Hughes 2 Jackson
Hay 3 Thompson
Trainer 4 Lanz
Wed 27-Nov Matson 1 Hay
Thompson 2 Hughes
Jackson 3 Hudon
Briard 4 Trainer
7:30 PM Tannahill 1 McDougall
Schmidt 2 Lundgren
Picco 3 Conelley
Lanz 4 Fletcher
Wed 4-Dec Tannahill 1 Picco
Conelley 2 Schmidt
Lundgren 3 Lanz
Fletcher 4 Sabourin
7:30 PM Trainer 1 Jackson
McDougall 2 Hay
Hughes 3 Matson
Hudon 4 Thompson
Wed 11-Dec Hay 1 Hughes
Matson 2 Hudon
Thompson 3 Trainer
Jackson 4 Fletcher
7:30 PM Sabourin 1 Lundgren
Lanz 2 Conelley
Picco 3 McDougall
Schmidt 4 Tannahill
Wed 18-Dec Picco 1 Schmidt
Tannahill 2 Lanz
Conelley 3 Sabourin
Lundgren 4 Jackson
7:30 PM Fletcher 1 Thompson
Trainer 2 Matson
Hudon 3 Hay
McDougall 4 Hughes
Wed 8-Jan Schmidt 1 McDougall
Hay 2 Trainer
Matson 3 Fletcher
Thompson 4 Lundgren
7:30 PM Jackson 1 Conelley
Sabourin 2 Tannahill
Lanz 3 Picco
Hughes 4 Hudon
Wed 15-Jan Schmidt 1 Lanz
Fletcher 2 Hay
Tannahill 3 Jackson
Conelley 4 Thompson
7:30 PM Lundgren 1 Matson
McDougall 2 Hudon
Trainer 3 Hughes
Picco 4 Sabourin
Wed 22-Jan Jackson 1 Picco
Hughes 2 Fletcher
Lanz 3 McDougall
Matson 4 Conelley
7:30 PM Thompson 1 Tannahill
Hudon 2 Trainer
Sabourin 3 Schmidt
Hay 4 Lundgren
Wed 29-Jan Lanz 1 Sabourin
Schmidt 2 Jackson
Picco 3 Thompson
McDougall 4 Trainer
7:30 PM Conelley 1 Hay
Lundgren 2 Hughes
Fletcher 3 Hudon
Tannahill 4 Matson
Wed 5-Feb Trainer 1 Fletcher
Hudon 2 Lundgren
Hughes 3 Conelley
Hay 4 Tannahill
7:30 PM Sabourin 1 McDougall
Thompson 2 Schmidt
Jackson 3 Lanz
Matson 4 Picco
Wed 12-Feb Sabourin 1 Jackson
Lanz 2 Thompson
Tannahill 3 Hughes
Picco 4 Hay
7:30 PM Schmidt 1 Matson
McDougall 2 Fletcher
Lundgren 3 Trainer
Conelley 4 Hudon
Wed 19-Feb Fletcher 1 Lundgren
Trainer 2 Conelley
Hudon 3 Tannahill
Hughes 4 Picco
7:30 PM Hay 1 Schmidt
Matson 2 Lanz
Jackson 3 McDougall
Thompson 4 Sabourin
Wed 25-Feb Thompson 1 Jackson
Matson 2 Sabourin
Hay 3 Lanz
Hughes 4 Schmidt
7:30 PM Hudon 1 Picco
Trainer 2 Tannahill
Fletcher 3 Conelley
McDougall 4 Lundgren
Wed 5-Mar Thompson 1 McDougall
Tannahill 2 Fletcher
Picco 3 Trainer
Schmidt 4 Hudon
7:30 PM Lanz 1 Hughes
Sabourin 2 Hay
Jackson 3 Matson
Conelley 4 Lundgren
Wed 12-Mar Matson 1 Thompson
McDougall 2 Conelley
Hughes 3 Sabourin
Hudon 4 Lanz
7:30 PM Trainer 1 Schmidt
Fletcher 2 Picco
Lundgren 3 Tannahill
Hay 4 Jackson